I had just had my first baby, Ella, and was a new stay at home mom. I wanted a creative outlet and decided to teach myself how to sew and start a little online baby shop—selling handmade baby accessories. During this time I also came up with my idea for a retractable pacifier clip.
Ella was obsessed with pacifiers. Once we discovered pacifier clips, we were so happy that they kept us from losing her pacifiers. They also kept her from throwing her pacifier the ground. But we quickly realized there were two major problems with regular pacifier clips—they are a long and loose enough to accidentally get wrapped around baby’s neck and they allowed the pacifier to drag on the ground while baby crawled.
As a tired new mom, I was afraid I’d forget to remove the pacifier clip when Ella fell asleep with it, which meant removing the pacifier from her mouth in order to remove the pacifier clip—which risked waking her (every parent’s nightmare!). Sometimes during her naps, I literally sat and watched the baby video monitor because I realized as I closed the nursery door, that I had forgotten to remove the pacifier clip.

We LOVE these clips! We keep one on just a paci and one on our wubbanub. Sweet babe likes to throw her paci or drop it when she doesn’t want it anymore, but it never hits the ground on the clip. And she can’t unclip this one like she did the others we tried. Customer service is also great! We had one break, and it was replaced with no issues! And very quickly!
Not only are the paci clips awesome, so is there customer service! The first one we ordered broke within a week (it was a defect) they quickly responded within an hour and offered to send me a replacement. We just received it today. It was a great surprise and I will definitely be ordering from them again!
Right now my son is too young to use as extended but he loves holding the retracta part and it’s very tactile for him. Because he loves to play with his pacifier this is great to keep us from losing on walks, in the car etc. He can quickly put back in his mouth when he wants
I like that this paciclip is good quality and size but I expected it would have a brighter color.
I absolutely love this paci clip! My baby no longer drops her paci on the floor. It is super cute, stylish and easy to use. I love it!
I love it and I love it even more. I don’t have to worry about her binkie touching the ground!!!! Thank you for your great investment.
I have been buying these since day one and they are absolutely a life saver!
My grandson is just starting to reach a lot of stuff. Hopefully he’ll learn to use it on his own.
My baby loves it!